What is organizational culture?

It is often said that culture eats strategy for breakfast. So what is it? An organization’s culture can be described as its personality and character. It involves the shared values, beliefs, and assumptions about the ways people should behave, interact, make decisions, and conduct themselves. Leaders must understand the organization’s culture if they want to implement strategy and achieve their goals. Strategies more aligned with their culture will be more successful.

What is the OCM™?

The OCM™ provides a mechanism for employees to share and compare their perceptions of their organization’s beliefs, values, and ways of working. In addition to receiving their own results, collective results are benchmarked with other organizations to explain the beliefs and behaviors that drive the way the organization works relative to others. By understanding the organization’s culture, individuals are able to understand how their own experience fits with others as well as understand the organization’s ways of working

Leaders and managers can use the OCM™ to determine if the strategic goals are well supported or not. Based on these results, leaders can influence organizational culture including structure, systems and working processes, employee behaviors and attitudes, values and traditions, and management styles adopted.

Key features

  • Uses most scientifically valid method for comparing multiple perceptions
  • Explains the working practices experienced by employees
  • Provides individual’s and organizational comparative results
  • Benchmarks organization against other well-known organizations

Why is the OCM™ useful?

  • Assists leaders and managers in understanding the range of working experiences
  • Codifies the ways an organization’s culture is perceived by employees
  • Calibrates individual employee’s views with others
  • Enables identification of challenges and areas for development

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