Looking to cement your knowledge or brush up on the tool? Use our 5 STeP™ profile virtual accreditation course modules at your convenience, but without the profile or assessments, to stay fresh and enhance your work.
Yes, this is the same course used for our accreditation course, but without the survey and the assessment. It contains all you need for a complete understanding of the 5 STeP™ profile. It’s just our little way of saying thank you for your patience and feedback over the years.
LBS coach special rate: complimentary (valued at £495)
Yes, I’ll take the 5 STeP™ course!
Sign up hereIf you’ve already done the course or have years of experience and knowledge, why not just take the assessment and use our tools in your private work? In addition to becoming accredited to use the 5 STeP™ with other clients, coaches who take the 5 STeP™ profile, experience a full debrief and successfully pass the assessments will also qualify as a TalentSage preferred partner.
Preferred partner status qualifies you for preferred TalentSage rates on all our tools for use in your own practice, referral fees for new clients and inclusion in our TalentSage contributor network.
LBS coach special rate: £295 (valued at £995)
Take me straight to accreditation!
Get started hereIf you like what we do and how we do it, we’d love to include you in our contributor network as a participant in our ecosystem. Share a few details with our team and we’ll schedule a short call to discuss the benefits and requirements of becoming a TalentSage ecosystem and community contributor. We look forward to hearing from you and growing our impact TOGETHER!